Veterans Affairs

Scotch Plains Receives Designation as First Veteran Friendly Community in Union County

Scotch Plains Township became the first municipality in Union County to achieve 'Veteran-Friendly' status after passing a resolution complying with new standards set by the New Jersey State Veterans Chamber of Commerce.  Jeff Cantor, a retired Army colonel and founder and CEO of the chamber presented the resolution to the Council at Tuesday evening's Council Business Meeting.   


The criteria to be designated Veteran-Friendly — helping to boost veteran-owned businesses — include:   

  • Proactively notify veteran-owned businesses registered with the state of New Jersey of each public bid opportunity
  • In the procurement of goods and services, making a good-faith effort to award 6% of the total contract dollars to Veteran Owned Business Enterprises
  • In the hiring of employees, making a good faith effort to achieve a hiring goal of a minimum of 5% veteran workforce
  • Establish a minimum of three Veteran-Only parking spots in municipally-owned parking lots 

Photo Credits: John Mooney, Publisher at

Union County Office of Veteran's Services | Veteran's Bulletin

The latest edition of the Veterans Bulletin, the official newsletter of the Union County Office of Veteran Services is now available. 


The quarterly publication is intended to keep our veterans and their families informed about programs, services, events and celebrations honoring Union County Veterans and Active Military residents. 


Click here to download the latest edition. 

New Jersey Veterans Benefits Guide

Procurement Opportunities for Veterans

NJSVCC has been contacted by multiple organizations for procurement opportunities. If you are interested in any of the below opportunities, please send an email to for consideration.


1. Engineering - A companies looking to subcontract general civil engineering (structures, highway, drainage, traffic, geotechnical, CADD support, etc.), environmental, and field survey work.

2. Aluminum - A company is looking to subcontract the purchase of aluminum for signs (either in sheets or rolls, that would be .080 thickness)

3. Flags - A company is looking for a veteran vendor that sells American Flags to replace their current vendor


If you are interested, please email the veterans chamber at with the following information: 

  • Name
  • Company Name
  • A description of what your company does
  • Certification (VOB, SDVOB, SBE, MBE, WBE)

* Which Procurement Opportunity you are interested in?

Keeping you informed is part of the New Jersey Department of Military and Veterans Affairs (NJDMAVA) continuing outreach efforts. Through extensive research and preparation, NJDMAVA has assembled valuable material into this edition of the Veterans Benefits Guide.  Many New Jersey Veterans are unaware of the numerous federal and state program benefits, entitlements and services they have earned in defense of this great nation. 


For more information about the program visit  


Earlier this year Scotch Plains Township became the first municipality in Union County to achieve 'Veteran-Friendly' status after passing a resolution complying with new standards set by the New Jersey State Veterans Chamber of Commerce.


MWBE Certifications in New Jersey

The Department of the Treasury recently proposed updated rules governing how businesses can be designated as Minority or Women Owned Businesses (MWBE) by the State of New Jersey. The Department seeks public input on these proposed rules, which seek to clarify eligibility requirements & procedures for certification; establish reciprocity with other certifications entities, including other states and the federal Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) certification; and creates processes for challenging a denial as well as an individual application submitted.


The 60-day public comment window ends on October 16, 2020. Individuals wishing to comment are encouraged to submit comments electronically; via email to; or via mail to: Jennifer Keyes-Maloney, Assistant Treasurer, 225 West State Street, Trenton, NJ 08625-0295.

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