430 Park Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Manager: Bob Duthaler
(908) 322-6700, ext. 405
Scotch Plains Community TV is a free service provided by the Township. Airing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, SPTV provides live coverage of our Township Council meetings and other selected events, along with video programming of local and regional events and a billboard of rotating messages from local community groups.
Click on the graphic above for a link to previous videos.
Interested in airing a message from your organization? Scotch Plains Community TV airs a bulletin board of upcoming events from local non-profit, civic and religious groups. Use the form to send us your message content. There is no charge for this service.
Messages may contain a title (up to thirty-five characters in length) and a message up to six lines (up to forty characters per line) in length. You may also submit a pre-designed graphic file in .jpg format only (see specs on form).
Please submit your message at least two weeks prior to your target air date. Messages may be aired for up to sixty days.
Scotch Plains Community TV reserves the right to edit all messages for content and appropriateness.