Senior Services

* Due to the coronavirus pandemic, many of the services are suspended until further notice. If you have a question about senior services, please call 908-322-6700 Ext. 221 or 223.

Advisory Board

The Senior Advisory Board is a group of volunteers appointed by the Mayor to advise the Recreation Department and Commission on activities, programs, and facilities for the senior residents of the Township.

  • Laura Swidersky, Advisory Board Chair
  • Ilse Heinemeyer, Golden Agers Chair
  • Liz Mangan
  • Kelley Price
  • Teri Di Giacomo 
  • Sylvia Lovell
  • Carolyn Perkins
  • Len Zanowitz
  • Lynn Baratucci, Recreation Department Liaison

Assistance Programs

Pharmaceutical and Hearing Aid Assistance

  • Pharmaceutical Assistance to Aged and Disabled (PAAD)
  • Hearing Aid Assistance for Aged and Disabled (HAAAD)

Click here for eligibility information for these programs or call the NJ Senior hotline, 1-800-792-9745.


Utility Assistance

The Lifeline Utility Assistance Program provides a credit of $225 for New Jersey homeowners or tenants to pay for gas or electricity. Click here for eligibility information for this program or call the NJ Senior hotline, 1-800-792-9745.


Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels are provided to residents in Fanwood and Scotch Plains by two different agencies. If you know someone who could benefit from receiving low-cost meals delivered right to their home, call Meals on Wheels, Inc,

(908) 486-5100.

Senior Resource Guide

A comprehensive guide to senior services available in Union County. Large file may take a minute to download.

Adobe Acrobat Document 36.1 MB

Golden Agers

Established in 1966, the Scotch Plains Golden Agers meet from September to June on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m..  The club meets each week at the Scotch Hills Country Club. Join the group for weekly activities that include bingo, crafts, parties for special occasions, special luncheons, guest speakers and much more! Bus service is available and trips are scheduled throughout the year. For more information, please call Ilse Heinemeyer at (908) 322-1788.

Bus Transportation


First fill out a registration form that can be downloaded here, be picked up at the Recreation Department office or mailed to you by calling either the Dial-A-Ride number, (908) 322-5151 or the main Recreation Department number, (908) 322-6700  ext. 223 or 221. All passengers must be a self-reliant senior (age 55 or older) or be accompanied by an aide.


Then to make an appointment for transportation, call (908) 322-5151. Leave a message 48 hours or more prior to your need and a department representative with call you back within 24 hours during business days. This service is offered on a limited, first come first served basis.



Approx. 10:30 am is usually the earliest home pick up time and the last return pick up time is 1:00 p.m., Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, when available.  Other times are occasionally available. Call for details.


Wednesday and Friday morning bus trips are provided for seniors to the Blue Star Shopping Center in Watchung.  Registered Fanwood and Scotch Plains seniors wishing to use this service must call and leave a message at (908) 322-5151 any time before 8:30 a.m. on the day of the trip.


Trips to various other shopping malls are offered the third Monday of most months. This is a door-to-door service with pickups starting at 9:00 a.m.  The bus departs the mall at 1:45 p.m. Interested registered seniors must call the Recreation Dept. office in advance of the trip date.


Transportation is also available to the following;


Meridian Club: Open to all seniors, the club meets at the Scotch Hills Clubhouse, Jerusalem Road, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Tuesdays. Call Laura Swidersky, (908) 889-2084, for information.


Golden Age Club: Open to all seniors, the club meets at the Scotch Hills Clubhouse, Jerusalem Road, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Thursdays. Call Ilse Heinemeyer, (908) 322-1788, for information. 

Senior Nutrition Program

Scotch Plains has become one of 24 sites hosting the Union County Congregate Nutrition Program. The lunches will be held every Tuesday from approximately 11:30am – 1:30pm  at the Shady Rest at Scotch Hills Country Club. The meals, which are paid through Federal grant funds, consist of a hot protein entre; vegetable, or salad; potato, pasta or rice; bread; milk; and soup or juice.      


The central objective of the lunch program is to maximize independence and dignity of our seniors. Any person who is 60 years of age or older is cordially invited to participate. There are no income guidelines to participate; however a voluntary donation of $1.75 per meal is suggested. If one person of a couple is under age 60, the suggested donation is $4.00. Donations are used to offset the cost of the meals and to expand the program.          


If you are interested in attending, please make your reservation by calling 908-322-5151.

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