430 Park Avenue Map
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
(908) 322-6700, ext. 309, 310, 306
De Zheng, Health Officer
The Scotch Plains Health Department provides services in collaboration with the Rahway Health Department. These shared services provide Scotch Plains residents with public health services as mandated by the New Jersey Public Health Council as detailed in “Recognized Public Health Activities and Minimum Standards of Performance for Local Boards of Health in New Jersey”. The Department also enforces the New Jersey State Sanitary Codes, State laws and regulations, local ordinances, and policies established by each municipality's Local Board of Health.
De Zheng, Registered Environmental Health Specialist
Randy Fellows, Code Enforcement Officer
Michele Kowal, Public Health Nurse
Office Staff:
Claudia Manes
Sara Ewaska -- Food Licenses
Josephine Ford -- Animal Control, Property Maintenance, and Public Swimming Pools
8:30 AM to 4:00 PM and by appointment
Monday – Friday (excluding Holidays)
Licenses are issued yearly and applied for through the Health Office. Renewal periods are yearly effective June 30th of each calendar year. Fees are on a graduated fee schedule. Licensing and approval are required for all public food establishments, public/private school facilities, day care facilities and camp facilities. To schedule an inspection you must call the Health Department, dial (908) 322-6700, ext. 309.
Food License Information and Application
To make an appointment for De Zheng, Registered Environmental Health Officer regarding pool inspections call (908) 322-6700, Ext. 306.
To schedule your yearly commercial electrical bonding inspection in order to receive your Certificate of Compliance for each calendar year call the Building Department at (908) 322-6700, Ext. 309 or 310.
While these clinics are offered in an effort to assist residents in maintaining good health, those residents who are over the age of thirty and smoke, or are overweight, or have a family history of heart disease or diabetes, and who have not had their blood pressure checked recently, are particularly urged to attend these clinics. Please contact Township Nurse Michele Kowal for additional information, (732) 827-2158.
Child immunizations are free to Scotch Plains residents without insurance coverage. Please call Michael Kowal at (732) 827-2158 for an appointment.
If your pet is lost or you find a stray during office hours call Scotch Plains Health Department at 908-322-6700, ext. 306. The number to call in reporting a dead animal in the street is (908)
322-6700, ext. 306. After hours, for non-emergencies, please call the Plainfield Area Humane Society at 908-754-0300 and leave a message or call police dispatch at 908-322-7100 ext. 0.
For emergencies, please call 9-1-1
Visit the NJ Department of Health: www.state.nj.us/health/ctcp/smokefree/index.shtml