Visual Preference Survey Results Show Support for Colonial Style Option #2

JULY 6, 2018 -- The Scotch Plains Downtown Redevelopment Committee (SPDRC) released the results of its two week long visual preference survey today on architectural themes that are preferred in downtown Scotch Plains. 2,139 people participated in the survey. Most participants (33 percent) who took the survey selected option #2 as their top preference. Option #5 was second with 28 percent, option #3 received 15 percent, option #1 received 13 percent, option #4 received 10 percent, and option #6 received 1 percent.


The results of the survey will be used to assist in defining the architectural themes and requirements in the redevelopment plan.  


Below are the images and the percentage of the vote each received. 




The survey participants were mostly Scotch Plains residents (90 percent) between 35 to 54 years of age (57 percent). Participants were 60 percent female and 38 percent male. The survey was conducted from 6/4/18 to 6/18/18 and was administered online using the survey platform SurveyMonkey, which was set to accept one submission per IP address. The survey was shared online on the Township website, Facebook page, Twitter, and Friday e-newsletters.   


The survey was also administered through a poster version of the survey that was available at the Scotch Plains Public Library, the monthly public SPDRC meeting on 6/13/18, and at the Scotch Plains Farmers’ Market on 6/16/18. The survey was not a scientific survey of the population, but an opportunity for those who care about or who are interested in downtown redevelopment to give their feedback and opinions to township leadership.  


For more information on the Downtown Redevelopment Initiative, please visit our website:


Click here to download the full report of the survey analysis. 

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