Tier 1, Phase 1 Downtown Redevelopment Plan

Exclusive Conditional Redeveloper Agreement for Scotch Plains Tier 1, Phase 1 Downtown Redevelopment between Advance Realty and the Township of Scotch Plains

On September 17, 2019, the Scotch Plains Township Council approved a Conditional Redevelopment Agreement with Advance Realty for the redevelopment of the Tier 1, Phase 1 section of Scotch Plains Downtown. 


After review of proposals submitted in response to the RFQ/RFP for the Tier 1, Phase 1 section of Scotch Plains Downtown, the Scotch Plains Downtown Redevelopment Committee determined that the proposal submitted by Advance Realty, as revised, best represents the Township’s vision with regards to downtown redevelopment.     


However, before fully designating Advance Realty as the redeveloper for Tier 1, Phase 1, the Township Council passed a Conditional Agreement requiring Advance Realty to fulfill certain conditions outlined in Schedule A. If those conditions are met and a final Redevelopment Plan is determined to be viable, financially feasible and consistent with the goals and vision of the Township, it is the intention of the Township Council to designate Advance Realty as the redeveloper for Tier 1, Phase 1. This agreement has been extended with the last extension occurring on October 6, 2020 and ending on January 5, 2021 while the Township and the developer continue to discuss the open items in the agreement.


Click here to read the entire Conditional Redeveloper Agreement. 

Township Planner Report: Tier 1, Phase 1 Redevelopment Plan (PDF)

Township Planner Harbor Consultants introduced the Redevelopment Plan for Tier 1, Phase 1 section of the Scotch Plains Downtown, and was endorsed by the Scotch Plains Township Council at their September 25, 2018 Business Meeting. The Council has authorized the issuance of Request for Qualifications / Request for Proposals (RFQ/RFP) for developers to submit plans for development.


Click here or the graphic above to view the in-depth report.

Downtown Redevelopment Plan of Tier 1, Phase 1 in Downtown Scotch Plains (Powerpoint Presentation)

The Scotch Plains Downtown Redevelopment Committee (SPDRC), working with Township Planners Harbor Consultants, presented their Tier 1, Phase 1 downtown redevelopment plan during the September 25, 2018 Council Business Meeting. 


The full presentation can be viewed by clicking here

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