Downtown Redevelopment Committee

Questions, Comments, and Concerns, Contact:

Thomas Strowe, Project Coordinator for Redevelopment

(908)-322-6700 x317

Exclusive Conditional Redeveloper Agreement for Scotch Plains Tier 1, Phase 1 Downtown Redevelopment between Advance Realty and the Township of Scotch Plains

On September 17, 2019, the Scotch Plains Township Council approved a Conditional Redevelopment Agreement with Advance Realty for the redevelopment of the Tier 1, Phase 1 section of Scotch Plains Downtown. 


After review of proposals submitted in response to the RFQ/RFP for the Tier 1, Phase 1 section of Scotch Plains Downtown, the Scotch Plains Downtown Redevelopment Committee determined that the proposal submitted by Advance Realty, as revised, best represents the Township’s vision with regards to downtown redevelopment.     


However, before fully designating Advance Realty as the redeveloper for Tier 1, Phase 1, the Township Council passed a Conditional Agreement requiring Advance Realty to fulfill certain conditions outlined in Schedule A. If those conditions are met and a final Redevelopment Plan is determined to be viable, financially feasible and consistent with the goals and vision of the Township, it is the intention of the Township Council to designate Advance Realty as the redeveloper for Tier 1, Phase 1. This agreement has been extended with the last extension occurring on October 6, 2020 and ending on January 5, 2021 while the Township and the developer continue to discuss the open items in the agreement.


Click here to read the entire Conditional Redeveloper Agreement. 

Mission/Vision Statement

Scotch Plains will be undergoing a new township design meant to address the needs of the 21st century resident, business owner, landlord, and developer, to create a vibrant community balancing jobs, housing, retail and commercial opportunities.  Scotch Plains will be a dynamic area with local transit options, which also provides connectivity to surrounding areas and greater New Jersey. The vision is to provide a broad range of regional and local retail and mixed use opportunities in the corridors of intended redevelopment.  


Included in the plan will be a full range of housing opportunities providing access to all levels of income, age and accessibilities. In addition to creating an aesthetically pleasing downtown, the intent is to provide a vibrant area that will be simultaneously self-sufficient and inviting, while at the same time addressing the transit, parking, recreational and open space desires of the community at large.

Redevelopment Tiers of Phases

* Resolutions 2019-60 and 2019-61: On February 19, 2019, the Township Council passed resolutions requesting the Planning Board to investigate properties identified in the Tier 2, Phases 4 & 5 study area and Block 204, Lot 5 (commonly known as the Jade Isle property), which is part of Tier 3, Phase 6, as possible areas in need of redevelopment.


A preliminary investigation process will be conducted by the Planning Board to study the areas and determine which properties qualify as areas in need of redevelopment. The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the Township Council in the coming months.

The Scotch Plains Redevelopment Committee has broken down the plan into seven phases and three tiers. A preliminary investigation for the redevelopment of the three and a half block radius in Phase 1 -- Tier 1 was approved by the Township Council on Tuesday, May 16. 


Click here to view the map. 

Township Planner: Tier 1, Phase 1 Redevelopment Plan (PDF)

Township Planner Harbor Consultants introduced the Redevelopment Plan for Tier 1, Phase 1 section of the Scotch Plains Downtown, and was endorsed by the Scotch Plains Township Council at their September 25, 2018 Business Meeting. The Council has authorized the issuance of Request for Qualifications / Request for Proposals (RFQ/RFP) for developers to submit plans for development.


Click here or the graphic above to view the in-depth report. 

Map of Redevelopment Tier Phases

Committee Members

Council Members

Mayor Joshua G. Losardo, Committee Chair

Deputy Mayor Elizabeth Stamler, Committee Vice Chairman


Township Officials/Advisors

Al Mirabella, Township Manager 

Tom Strowe, Project Coordinator for Redevelopment (Secretary) 

Bob LaCosta, Zoning/Construction Official 

Mike Baker, Township Redevelopment Attorney 

Mike Mistretta, Township Planner 

Joe Doyle, Class IV Planning Board Member


Business Members

Dr. Frank Di Lollo

Joe Mortarulo

Steve Goldberg

Emilio A. Di Iorio

Tom Read 

Nick Novello 

Anthony Martucci


Resident Members

Michael Alvarez 

Shannon Bonifas 

Colleen Gialanella 

Camaal Benoit 

John Morgan 

Alison Cohen 

Dauna Jendrek

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the graphic to view frequently asked questions.

2021 Meeting Schedule

The Scotch Plains Downtown Redevelopment Committee (SPDRC) meets the second Wednesday of every month at 7:00pm, unless otherwise noted. Meetings will be held at the Council Chambers at Town Hall (430 Park Avenue), unless otherwise noted. See the calendar to the right.


Due to Covid-19, all meetings will take place on Zoom for the foreseeable future.

Agendas & Minutes

Date Location Time
February 10 Town Hall 7:00 p.m.
** March 10 Town Hall 7:00 p.m.
April 14 Town Hall 7:00 p.m.
** May 12  Town Hall 7:00 p.m.
June 9  Town Hall 7:00 p.m.
July 14  Town Hall 7:00 p.m.
August 11  Town Hall 7:00 p.m.
September 8  Town Hall 7:00 p.m.
October 13  Town Hall  7:00 p.m.
November 10  Town Hall  7:00 p.m.
December 8  Town Hall  7:00 p.m.

* Reorganization Meeting

** Meeting postponed

*** Special Meeting

If you have an idea, we want to hear from you!

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Questions, Comments, and Concerns, Contact:

Thomas Strowe, Project Coordinator for Redevelopment

(908)-322-6700 x317

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