BY APPOINTMENT ONLY, PLEASE CALL 908-322-6700 EXT. 211 or 212
An application may be obtained in the local Registrar’s Office or via the Internet at:
Requirements for entering into a Marriage:
For two persons to establish a Marriage/ Civil Union in this State, it shall be necessary that they satisfy all of the following criteria:
Where to apply:
The marriage/civil union license application is to be made in the New Jersey municipality in which either party resides and the license is valid throughout the State of New Jersey. If neither applicant is a New Jersey resident, submit the application in the municipality where the marriage/civil union ceremony will be performed, the license is only valid in the issuing municipality.
Please contact the Local Registrar to determine if license applications are handled during business hours or by appointment.
Required documents when applying for a Marriage/ Civil Union license:
*Social security number is required by law for US citizens and will be kept confidential.
Any documents in a foreign language must be accompanied by a certified English translation.
After you apply:
There is a 72-hour waiting period before the license is issued. The waiting period begins when the application is filed with the Local Registrar. There is no 72 hour waiting period for a Remarriage/Reaffirmation of Civil Union; however, you must bring a certified copy of your existing Marriage/Civil Union certificate.
The marriage/civil union license application is valid for six months from the date accepted, unless the Registrar has given prior approval to extend the validity of the application to a maximum of one year.
Those wishing a ceremony by the Mayor must call and set up an appointment at 908-322-6700, Ex. 314. The Municipal Court Judge no longer performs ceremonies.
You may obtain copies of the above for a nominal fee by following this procedure.
Original death certificates are typically issued by a Medical Examiner or physician and copies are often obtained through funeral directors. However, certified copies of Death Certificates may also be obtained directly for a nominal fee. Here's the procedure for applying for a certified copy of a death certificate.