
Bozena Lacina

(908) 322-6700, ext. 211

Fax: (908) 322-1663

Office Hours:

8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. - Monday - Friday


In Township of Scotch Plains, the Clerk serves in the following capacities:

  • Secretary of the municipal corporation and custodian of the Municipal Seal, as well as all minutes, record books, deeds, bonds (performance or other), contracts and archival records of the municipal corporation, and provide public access to government records for both inspection and duplication.
  • Secretary to the governing body preparing meeting agendas at the discretion of the Council, attends all meetings of the Council, and provides for minutes of every meeting, as well as preservation of all ordinances and resolutions; 
  • Chief Elections Officer in all elections held in the municipality and Chief Registrar of the Voters in the municipality. Election Information
  • Administrative Officer responsible for the licensing for taxis and vehicles for hire, liquor licenses, and games of chance.

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