Economic development is a major priority in Scotch Plains as we seek to retain and attract businesses, foster economic revitalization and investments, and help market, promote, and celebrate our businesses. Scotch Plains is proud to be the home of more than 330 businesses including stores, restaurants, personal services, and professional offices and we are always welcoming more.
Our professional staff will guide you and coordinate appropriate assistance regarding streaming the permit approval process, zoning revisions, and other necessary steps to open and maintain a businesses in town. Please see our guide to opening a businesses. Please also visit our business directory and shop local in Scotch Plains!
Shop & Eat Local
* If you don't see your business listed here, please contact Margaret Heisey at or 908-322-6700 Ext. 314 or Tom Strowe at or 908-322-6700 Ext. 317.
The Scotch Plains Police Department is committed to keeping open lines of communication with all business owners in Scotch Plains.
Sergeant Brown and Detective Florio will be the liaisons from the Police Department to the Business Community and will gladly address any e-mail sent to them in reference to any business question or issue.
Police Department Business Liaisons (908)322-7100 Ext # 104 (908)322-7100 Ext # 137
430 Park Avenue
Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
Scotch Plains is currently in the process of developing new opportunities for existing and future businesses.
Please click here to learn about our current projects and our redevelopment efforts.
Business owners should choose Scotch Plains as their location to open their business. We love welcoming new businesses to our town, and you can expect to find a positive environment where business investments are encouraged and appreciated.
Click here for the Complete Guide to Opening a Business in Scotch Plains.
Yummies (2581 Highway 22 West)
Once you are ready to open your new business in Scotch Plains, please contact Margaret Heisey, Deputy Township Manager at (908) 322-6700 ext. 314 or and/or Tom Strowe, Project Coordinator for Redevelopment at (908) 322-6700 ext. 317 or to schedule a ribbon cutting.
Township Officials, including the Mayor and Township Council, would love to join you in opening your new business in Scotch Plains. In addition to a ribbon cutting, we will also take photos and film a video for our Facebook page to help promote your business and let our residents know that you are part of the Scotch Plains Community.
We will also invite the local press and business organizations to welcome you and cover your opening.
We look forward to scheduling your ribbon cutting!